[Grip-users] Good news: Grip development continues as a new project
Johnny A. Solbu
8 years ago
Hello fellow Grip users.
Hope everyone is having a good Christmas. :-)

I have been thinking for some months now about forking Grip. Mainly in order to ensure it's still usable and included in the various distributions, as it is my prefered cd ripper.
The last release was in june 25, 2005, and it show all the signs of being abandoned. No development, no answering of bug repports. At least I didn't see it.
I have been thinking for a few years that unless someone steps up and try to continue it's development, it might one day be to much work to package it and it would be dropped by th various distributions. I know that debian dropped it in 2009..

Today I made the big step and forked it. The code is in a git repo at Sourceforge: https://sourceforge.net/projects/grip2/
The new projectname is grip2. I tried getting in touch with the old developer, Mike Oliphant, without success. I was hoping to use the old project to push releases.
So here is grip2. :-)

I am not a programmer, so at least currently it is not much I can do with regards to the coding. But I can implement small and obvious changes, check and apply patches that come in, and so on.

If you have patches that should be implemented, join the development team or open a ticket at the new SF-project.
I have applied the Mageia patches, and one from Arch linux, and is in the proccess of chekcing and applying the Debian patches.

There is also a new mailinglist at the new project page.
Johnny A. Solbu
web site, http://www.solbu.net
PGP key ID: 0x4F5AD64DFA687324